Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena

c/o C.C.I.A.A. Via Ganaceto, 134, 41121 Modena (Modena)
+39 0593 163519

The "Consorzio Tutela", or protective Consortium, has injected fresh lifeblood into the world of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena: today all those involved, at every level, including Institutions, producers and associations, have refocused on the natural identity of specific objectives, namely product quality, market promotion and the safeguarding not only of the product itself but also of the entire cultural heritage and the wealth of Modenese traditions. Indeed, while grapes constitute the primary raw material of balsamic vinegar, it is the patient, atavistic skill of the people of Modena that has given rise to superlative products. The protective consortium for TBVM, whose Board of Directors pools together the forces of local government institutions, sector associations and producers, has boosted its …

Structure services

Certification body
Direct sale
Promotion body
Protection body