- Enoteca Regionale
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"Cantine Aperte" is the appointment of the Wine Tourism Movement, scheduled for this month, on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th throughout Italy. There will be many companies from Emilia-Romagna that take part in the initiative, several of which during the year are also protagonists within the Dozza's Castle, where Enoteca Regionale Emilia Romagna organizes thematic tasting stands and meetings with the winemakers.
On May 5th, in fact, the protagonist of the tasting table will be the Queen of Romagna, the Albana wine. In combination it will also be possible to choose some regional gastronomic excellence. Cost: three tastings of wine 6 euros, small plate of appetizers on request 3 euros. The tasting table takes place from 14.30 to 18.30.
“Meet the Winemakers” is our special event in May. Every Saturday afternoons, from 14.30 to 18.30 you will have the special opportunity to encounter the producers and taste their wines. The next appointments will be:
4/5 Cantine Ceci di Torrile (PR)
11/5 Cantine Spalletti Colonna di Paliano di Savignano sul Rubicone (FC)
18/5 Cà Bruciata of Imola (BO), the 25 Fattoria Moretto of Castelvetro (MO).
On 1st May Enoteca Regionale will be open from 9.30am to 1pm and from 2.30pm to 7pm. Throughout the month, until June 2nd, the wine bar in the underground of Dozza's Castle will remain open every Sunday from 2.00pm. 30 at 18.30 with specific wine lists.
For general information: tel. 0542367741; info@enotecaemiliaromagna.it