: Spergola min 85% and, for the remaining part, the following grapes alone or blended: Malvasia di Candia, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris. Aromatic Malvasia di Candia is allowed for a maximum of 5%. If produced in the ancient area of origin, can be called Classico. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, 150 quintal for the Classic version, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Spergola min 85% and, for the remaining part, the following grapes alone or blended: Malvasia di Candia, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris. Aromatic Malvasia di Candia is allowed for a maximum of 5%. If produced in the ancient area of origin, can be called Classico. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, 150 quintal for the Classic version, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Lambrusco Grasparossa min 85%, 15% Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco Montericco, Ancellotta, Malbo Gentile, Croatina alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Lambrusco Montericcio min 85% - 15% Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco Grasparossa,Lambrusco Salamino, Malbo Gentile, Ancellotta, Croatina alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Malbo Gentile min 85%, 15% Croatina, Sgavetta alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Malbo Gentile min 85%, 15% Croatina, Sgavetta alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Malbo Gentile min 85%, 15% Croatina, Sgavetta alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia min 85%, 15% Malvasia di Candia Bianca, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Chardonnay alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max yield 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia min 85%, 15% Malvasia di Candia Bianca, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Chardonnay alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max yield 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia min 85%, 15% Malvasia di Candia Bianca, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Trebbiano Romagnolo, Chardonnay alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max yield 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Marzemino min 85% - 15% Croatina, Sgavetta, Malbo Gentile alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max yield 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)
: Marzemino min 85% - 15% Croatina, Sgavetta, Malbo Gentile alone or blended. Yield per hectare: max 160 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (in the passito version max yield 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 50%)