: Barbera min 85%- max 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 130 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Croatina also called Bonarda min 85% , 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 130 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Cabernet Sauvignon min 85% , max 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, grown in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Chardonnay min 85% , 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia min 85% , 15% grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 130 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70% (40% in the passito version).
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia and white Moscato between 20-50%, Trebbiano Romagnolo and Ortrugo between 20-50%, max 30% Beverdino and/or Sauvignon or white grapes , suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Pinot Noir and/or Barbera and/or Croatina called Bonarda min 60%. 40% red grapes suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 130 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Pinot Gris min 85%, max 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Pinot Noir min 85%, 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Sauvignon min 85%, max 15% non aromatic grapes of the same colour, suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Ortrugo between 35-65%, aromatic Malvasia di Candia and white Moscato between 10 and 20%, Trebbiano Romagnolo and/or Sauvignon between 15 and 30%, max 15% white grapes suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia and white Moscato between 20-50%, Trebbiano Romagnolo and Ortrugo between 20-65%, max 15% other grapes suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 70%
: Aromatic Malvasia di Candia and/or Sauvignon and/or Marsanne and/or Trebbiano Romagnolo and/or Ortrugo min 80%, max 20% other white grapes suitable for growing in Emilia Romagna. Yield per hectare: max 100 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 35%
: Santa Maria and Melara min 60%, max 40% Bervedino and/or Ortrugo and/or Trebbiano Romagnolo. Yield per hectare: max 50 quintals, max must-to-fruit ratio 30%